Unique solutions
Even more possibilities with Camera Rigs
With Camera Rigs and Software Modules we use the particular strengh of inkjet technology, to serve demanding production requirements. These combinations of hardware and software solutions can be used with existing print systems or they can be connected with our Print Rigs.
Camera Rigs are designed for the inspection of the substrate and the analysis and improvement of the print result.
Different cameras can inspect and evaluate the print result, the print system and the material handling.
Precise detection
The printing area can be exactly detected and the print file and jetting can be changed to meet variations in the material handling.
Inaccurately positioned substrates
In combination with Camera Rigs the exact placing of a substrate can be detected and misalignement or distortion can be compensated with the help of software modules
Small printing areas
Camera Rigs can help to accurately detect small printing areas like edges or narrow objects. This enables printing on challenging objects while simultaniously decreasing overspray.
Compensate distortions
Fix distortions in an existing material handling, print engine or adapt print data to 3d objects
Bad print results due to misalignment
Detection and improvement of print results that are caused by shifts between print engine and substrate handling or in axes
Printing on formed substrates
Scanning of surfaces and objects to adapt the print data to uneven substrates. For example for direct to shape printing on molded objects, embossed substrates, corrugated substrates etc.
Inconsistency in the material conveyance
Balance irregularities in the material handling – no matter if caused by missalignment or by a special way of conveying the substrate – by changing the image files based on the camera analysis.
Optimisation and quality assurance
Detect production rejects and improve missing nozzles, irregularities and general print quality.
Check for exclusion criteria
Detection of rejection criteria such as:
Machine readability of codes, deformations, material damage etc.
Inkjet Worst Case
Same Hardware, but printed with n-art-m technology
Print optimization
Detection and compensation of inconsistencies in the print image. For example, due to variation in voltage between individual print heads, nozzle failures or process difficulties
Problems in the print process can be detected by analysing individual droplets on the substrate. Based on a list of causes, the process can be optimised in a time-efficient manner.
Missing nozzles are detected with the camera unit and are improved depending on the process and application.
Satellite occurrence
Small droplets outside the grid
Delayed start of printing
Missing or too small drops at the beginning of jetting
Substrate and ink compatibility
Converging ink droplets
Detect missing nozzles
A series of missing droplets in the print image
Determine surface tension